So what's this all about?

Well...I'm off to spend the year in Montpellier and I thought writing a blog would be the best way to keep everyone up to date with what's going on, plus it's something I can look back on when I have to return home. So here goes!!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Aigues Mortes

The name of this town means “dead waters” and when we got there it definitely had a “dead” feel to it! This is one of those places where it’s better to go in the summer; most of the restaurants and smalls shops were closed and there were hardly any people around. When we first got there, we decided that the mayor must have died or something, the place was so quiet and empty, but apparently that’s normal for the time of year.

Saying all that, it was still well worth the visit. The main attraction is the city walls, built around 1285 to fortify the town from enemy sieges (which, it turns out, never actually happened, rendering the walls pretty pointless). Free entry and a free guided tour around the tower and prison areas, can’t really complain there!

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